Chris James Mysteries of the Mind Show

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Changing Entertainment one Show at a Time


An unconventional way of getting any message across...
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* Product Launches - Annual Conferences
Employee Events - Trade Shows

* Focuses the attention on any message your company wants to drive home

* Enables target audience to remember technical aspects of new products

* Enhances the capacity of audiences to remember important information

PHENOMENAIRE is a fully interactive game, the whole audience can use their mobile phones to join in.

Mobile Direct 07771 933617 ( 0044 7771933617 ) Email

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* Phenomenaire has an infinite number of uses

* Perfect ending to the main event

* Perfect for any event will improve concentration

* Is tailored to each event

Just imagine getting the phone number of the sales or technical team or even the SEO to all of the delegates or potential customers in one go and in less than 10 minutes in a game they will all want to join in with.

* Can also be used without mobile phones

* Compliments any presentation or Speech

* Combine it with Chris James Mysteries of the Mind Show Phenomenaire turns into one of the most powerful
marketing tools ever at a conference, event or product launch.

Mobile Direct 07771 933617 ( 0044 7771933617 ) Email
After Dinner Entertainment - Corporate Events - Cabaret - Private Parties - Universities - Or Just for Fun